Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to normal

Well, summer has officially been over for three weeks now. Work is back in full swing and life is once again busy. The big difference this year is that I don't have any grad classes. Thank goodness. My class is pretty good this year. They are extremely talkative but what 3rd grade class isn't. We have hit a few bumps in the road but nothing to big. Each year I forget how young they are when they first come to me. They are so dependent on the teacher and want to ask so many questions. It takes me at least 6 weeks to train them that they don't have to tell me every time they finish an assignment, and that it is not acceptable to ask to go to the nurse 10 times a day. I have tried to explain to my students the difference between just not feeling good and actually being really sick. If I didn't go to work every time I didn't feel that great then I would probably never go. I never feel good at 5:00 a.m. Other then the normal annoyances, things seem to be going fairly smoothly.

Lucas started back to school today. It was hard to say goodbye to his summer concrete job, but the hours just don't fit in with a school schedule. The company seems very interested in offering him a full time position as soon as he is finished with his concrete degree. He hopes to work for them again next summer and keep the lines of communication open. I would love more then anything to not have to move away from Middle Tennessee. My job is here and I honestly just don't want to move anymore. Lucas is taking 18 hours this semester and is going to be extremely busy. He seems ready to buckle down and get it all finished. Hopefully if he can keep all 18 hours he will be able to turn in his intent to graduate form after this semester. I am keeping my fingers crossed for him.

Other than that life is pretty boring right now. Wedding plans continue to slowly come along. It is getting closer by the minute and it is hard to believe that I will be Mrs. Nelson in a little over 200 days. I have already prepared my students for the name change although I know they will have a hard time remembering.

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